Traditions Nitro Fire - Everything you need to know | New Hunting Muzzleloader 2020

We get an up-close look at the Traditions Nitro Fire "muzzle loading" rifle.

This is not a product endorsement and the NMLRA has not been compensated for this video. We feel it is our duty to inform the muzzleloading community of the new releases from the muzzleloading industry.

This rifle is for everyone out there who hunts with an inline and doesn’t want the fuss of loose powder, exposing more marksmen to the world of muzzleloaders. There will always be innovation and progress in the world of firearms, I think it’s important to recognize the change and understand it’s not trying to snuff out traditional muzzleloading. In my opinion, these rifles have an important place in the industry as a means to educate marksmen on the world of muzzleloading.