
Hands on with an original Heinrich Leue Double Rifle from the 1880s | Black Powder Cartridge

We get a gun maker's history lesson while at the NMLRA Safari Range in Friendship Indiana. Jerry V. was kind enough to show us his original Heinrich Leue 50 cal. Double rifle from the late 1880s.

All Rifles 1,000 Yard Match!


The 2019 National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (NMLRA) All 1,000 yards Black Powder Target Rifle Match will be held at Camp Atterbury, IN., on 14-15 September 2019.

Shooting is at 1,000 yards. Permitted rifles: Any safe original or reproduction traditional muzzle loading style of firearms fired from the shoulder in the mid - late 1800’s era of International Rifle Matches or breech loading single shot rifle chambered in an original black powder cartridge.

Targets are 6’ high by 10’ wide. New NMLRA records will be established for these size targets for both muzzle loading and cartridge rifles.