Wallace Gusler

The Twentieth Century Story of Two Extraordinary Frontier Guns, Part 1 Wallance Gusler

The Twentieth Century Story of Two Extraordinary Frontier Guns, Part 1 Wallance Gusler

The '·pursuit of happiness" presents an endless array of opportunities. Over sixty years ago the pursuit of the 18th­ century American frontier became the major direction of my life. The two flintlock firearms that are the focus of this se­ries (figs. 1 & 2) are extremely important as landmark sur­vivals of the mid-18th-century frontier. They represent the conflict between Colonialism, becoming Americans, and the collision with American natives.

A Riffle Gun and What Belongs To Her | Muzzle Blasts Archives

A Riffle Gun and What Belongs To Her | Muzzle Blasts Archives

This article is an original from Muzzle Blasts Magazine, the oldest and best Muzzleloading and Living HIstory Magazine. NMLRA.org